I wrote the summary of the character of Numera GP LLC in my previous article.

Both total assets under management (AUM) and the number of stocks held have increased since the previous report on 2024/03/31. Note: Total Assets Under Management (AUM) in 13F-HR is only for long positions. Actual AUM is not available from 13F-HR.

Comparing 13F-HR as of 2024/06/30 with 13F-HR as of 2024/03/31, 75% of stocks have been replaced, and many of them will finish trading within 3 months.

I didn't write the important character of Numerai GP LLC. 

Changes in data and staking rule.

Changes in data and staking rules would affect the performance of Numerai GP LLC.
This is what sets Numerai apart from other hedge funds.

History of Data Changes

v4 Data

Released in April of 2022. This dataset has 1191 features and targets for all of history.

Released in December 2022. Compared to the v4 dataset, this Sunshine dataset contains 405 more features for a total of 1586, a much improved example script and example preds, and the historical meta model predictions.

v4.2 Data

Released in September 2023. Compared to the Sunshine dataset, this Rain dataset contains 666 new features with a total of 2132, an improved example model and example preds, 12 additional targets, and additional feature groups in the features.json

Released in January 2024. Compared to the Rain dataset, this Midnight dataset contains 244 new features with a total of 2376.

Released in July 2024. This dataset alters and expands the dataset Universe to include more useful stocks. All files are only in int8 formats. V5 submissions will not be supported until September 13.

Staking Change

MMC staking starts Jan 2, 2024

We are reviving Meta Model Contribution (MMC) to replace True Contribution (TC). For rounds starting on or after January 2nd, 2024 staking and payouts will transition to the fixed multipliers 0.5xCORR + 2xMMC. Furthermore, the 2024 Grandmasters season will be determined on CORR and MMC.

We are doing this for a few reasons:

    ・MMC is more stable than TC
    ・MMC is locally calculable while TC is not
    ・We realized our most stable performance when paying MMC


In Conclusion

  • Numerai GP LLC doesn't publish its performance, so I can't explore the effect of data changes and staking changes.
  • Since 2022, Numerai Tournament has never had the same data or staking rule for four quarters. Numerai Tournament Players should expect to have to deal with changes in data and staking rules at least once a year.